Friday, March 22, 2013


Sometimes the most annoying, persistent and embarrassing hair problem is... Dandruff! It is stubborn, sheds all over your best outfits, your scalp itches like crazy and you notice your hair falling a lot more than usual. You can get rid of this problem before it's too late- and when i say too late i mean you don't want to leave people wondering whether you're scratching your head over a deep thought, or lice!

I have gone to a trichologist, dermatologist and after going nearly crazy - a psychologist and tried their remedies. A few included some scalp solution, the all famous Nizoral, and other shampoos. None of them worked. I wish i took a picture of the level of dandruff i had- i literally could peel out large pieces of dandruff(what looked like skin) from my scalp. Little did i know that all i needed was a natural solution: Apple Cider Vinegar. You can buy this along with an empty spray bottle from your local grocery store. Spray it on your scalp and leave in for 30 minutes. Wrap a towel around your head or wear a shower cap. I have to warn you- apple cider vinegar SMELLS, but the benefits far outweigh any kind of smell it has! Make sure you condition your hair after shampoo and spray apple cider vinegar on your scalp again and wait a few minutes before washing it all off! I hope this works for you!

The picture below was taken after one wash:

1 comment:

  1. I don't have dandruff but my scalp itches sometimes. Simple remedy, have to try this out!
